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EU programme for education, training, youth and sport

How to apply


This page focuses on guidance for organisations to apply for grants and calls for proposals under Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps.

If you’re looking to apply by yourself to one of these programmes, please see 'How to take part'.

Check your application against the Programme Guide

Please note that your application will be evaluated on the basis of the criteria described in the Programme Guide.

When writing your application, you should therefore familiarise yourself with the sections relevant to your application, including the sections on specific actions and other information for applicants.

See what other projects are doing

If you're looking for inspiration for your project, search the project results platform for other projects in your field.

Search previously funded Erasmus+ projects

Application forms

Depending on what part of the programme you are applying for, you will need to fill out a specific application form.

For the decentralised activities managed by National Agencies, please apply using the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps page.

For the centralised activities managed by the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), please visit the Executive Agency’s 'How to get a grant' page.

Which is which?

You can see which action is managed by a National Agency (decentralised) or by the Executive Agency (centralised).

Who manages which action and where to apply

Don’t forget

Make sure that you have already registered your organisation before you start your application.

Read about registering your organisation

Applying with a project partner

The partner search on the EU's Funding and Tenders portal helps you search for potential partners for your proposal.

Search for a potential project proposal partner